Team Kentucky Collection April 2020Lucia's Team20% of all sales in the Kentucky Collection during the month of April and May will be donated to the #TeamKentucky Fund. Your purchase not only helps our fellow Kentuckians...
An Update from our Artisan Partners April 2020Lucia's TeamDuring this difficult time, we wanted to share some stories from our artisan partners around the world. Because of Covid-19, they are all shifting the way they do business. But...
Last Minute 2019 Holiday Gift Guide December 2019Lucia's TeamThe holiday season is here! We've made a list of some of our favorite fair trade gift ideas for your loved ones this year.
How We Operate: Following Fair Trade Principles September 2019Lucia's TeamFair trade provides artisans and farmers with fair working conditions, treatment, and compensation. As a Fair Trade Federation member, we follow nine fair trade principles.