Call for Green Partners September 2021Cassidy DietzAre you a sustainable student group, community organization, ethical influencer, or green business leader? Then we want to offer to partner with you.
6 Steps To Recognize Greenwashing August 2021Cassidy DietzNavigating the waters between truly ethical businesses and those that are greenwashing can be very difficult. That's why I'm sharing my process to find ethical stores for my daily life. I've...
New Gift Sets are Here for Summer July 2021Cassidy Dietz This month we are launching another round of gift sets designed with summer activities in mind. These summer sets are especially focused on getting out there after the pandemic with...
The What, Why, and How of Transparency July 2021Cassidy DietzWhat does it mean to be transparent? Why is it so important to demand transparency? And what are we doing at Lucia's to promote transparency in the fair trade world?...
Plastic Free July July 2021Cassidy DietzIn this newsletter, we'll break down everything you need to know about plastic pollution. We'll also give you simple steps to recognize and reduce your plastic use. By the end...
Post Pandemic Survival Guide June 2021Cassidy DietzIt's been more than a year since the world was this open. Many of us are coming out of our hibernation period with new perspectives, priorities, and passions that we...